Bringing Home Baby Sessions

This in-home lifestyle session is a perfect way to capture that exciting time that the family welcomes a new little member into their home. The baby will be the focus of the session, but we want to capture all the relationships in the family as well. I like to capture babies the way they actually live, so I don't use props or unnatural poses. They might be swaddled and asleep on the bed, being not so gently loved by older children, crying, getting changed, nursing, snuggling with mom or dad, in their crib, whatever! I want your baby to look like YOUR baby, the way you remember those first few weeks. These sessions are best done in the first month, when everything is still exciting, and baby is still a newborn. Other siblings usually get some time alone in front of the camera as well, and they love to show me their rooms and favorite toys, which helps them become comfortable with me and my cameras. I know this is an emotional and stressful time for a family, but I keep the entire session very relaxed and easy for you. You won't have to clean your whole house or make sure everyone looks perfect. Just snuggle your baby, and we'll create some beautiful memories. 

See PRICING page for information on session fees and what's included in your experience.

See more Bringing Home Baby sessions in my blog by clicking on the links below!