Slow Your Roll: Film Secrets for the Digital Shooter

Slow Your Roll: Film Secrets for the Digital Shooter


Includes a 100-page in-depth PDF on how to become a more deliberate, creative, and intentional photographer. Includes exercises, instructions, lessons learned from returning to film photography after years of digital shooting. You will also receive a link to a page with nine shooting, editing, and workflow videos that will help you see how you can improve your own focus and work by slowing down, shooting less, and learning from your mistakes. Watch behind-the-scenes footage of seven different sessions with commentary.

This course is helpful for digital and film shooters alike! The PDF is written with both in mind, and videos include both film and digital editing. While I do talk a lot about my film process, everything can be applied to any kind of photography.

(For those wanting to learn film, check out the Film Jumpstart. Can be bundled with this course for a discount.)

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